Racing To English – EAL Teaching course – Download

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Racing to English is a fun and flexible EAL Teaching course.

This second edition has over 350 language-focused teaching activities for use with pupils and adults learning English as an Additional Language, plus ESOL & EFL students. The documents are printable in Word format.

The activities have been developed for children at the primary and secondary level learning EAL, ESOL or EFL. They encourage focused language work and promote group work and learner interaction. The activities are set at a beginner to intermediate level.

Racing to English has been successfully used with pupils at both primary and secondary levels, and with pupils who have hearing impairment, special learning needs (SEND), and with whole classes in primary schools.

Stage 1: Beginning 100+ activities for pupils in the earliest stages of learning English. Includes 36 photosets and 35 language games
Stage 2: Starting Stories 100+ activities using the simple past and simple present tenses. Includes 40 mini-stories, 11 photosets and 37 language games.
Stage 3: Talking and Reading 100+ activities at the intermediate level. Includes more demanding stories and activities on four to five more tenses.

The main benefits of Racing to English are:

Oracy/Interaction – the activities are designed to encourage interaction and purposeful, focused talk between learners.

Repetition – many of the activities are game-like, so it is easy to ensure that the same activity and therefore the same language items are used many times.

Comprehensible input – the activities are based either on photo/picture input or on stories that create a meaningful context for the language items.

Clear language aims – the activities all have clear language aims and focus on particular functions and sentence structures.

Flexibility – the activities are flexible and can therefore be used in a variety of ways with a wide range of learners.

Adaptability – all the documents are fully-customisable, so you can edit them, rearrange them, simplify or add to them. Basically, adapt them to suit the needs of the pupils/students you are working with.


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