Would you like access to free Maths tests for your school?
We’re currently looking for pupils in Years 1 to 6 to trial our New Online Maths Tests (Autumn, Spring, Summer term). Choose to participate with your class, cohort or whole school.
What’s in it for you?
By participating in our trial, you’ll gain:
* Access to our brand-new Maths tests with full results shared with your school.
* As a thank-you for completing a brief survey at the end of the trial, you’ll have a choice of one of these exclusive rewards:

Six months’ FREE access to ITRACK: Self-Authoring Tool – create your own tests, quizzes, and more!*

A FREE, online, whole-school pupil survey of your choice, with instant results. Choose from: Safety and Happiness or Pupils’ Attitudes to Learning survey.

*Up to £150 cash for your school.
About the Tests
We are currently trialling Autumn and Spring, and Summer Maths assessments. Schools can choose to trial one, two, or all three papers. The aim is to standardise scores ahead of the official release.
Designed for Years 1 to 6, these online tests align with the UK National Curriculum and follow a consistent standard. As they are self-marking, they provide instant results for both individual pupils and the entire cohort.
Here’s what you’ll get:
* Six weeks of access to the tests from the date you receive your login credentials.
* Online access to the tests, available for Years 1 to 6.
* Available IT support from us, to help with any issues regarding the tests.
* A Guide to administering the online tests.
* An opportunity to help shape the future of standardised assessments.
* An exclusive reward for participating in the tests and providing feedback.
* An additional £50 towards your school for completing all three tests.
* Schools will be notified ahead of starting the trial.
Sample Questions
Year 1

Year 3

Year 6